An insightuful and much-appreciated review of my latest title and its prequel, by fellow blogger and respected reviewer, Paul Ruddock.
Originally posted on echoesofthepen:
Beyond The Law: Retribution is the latest book by author and fellow blogger, Tom Benson, whose own
blog features high in my list of ‘follows.’ Beyond the Law: Retribution is the sequel to Tom’s most successful book to date, Beyond the Law.
Longtime folllowers of my blog might well remember my posting of a review of Beyond The Law back in early 2014; since this latest book is a sequel to that and for the benefit of those who may be unaware of it I am repeating that review to compliment my review of its sequel.
As well as reading these excellent novels, please take a look at his blog where you will find some equally excellent short and flash fiction stories to enjoy too along with an absolute treasure trove of writing tips and highly informative and essential self-publishing advice:
Beyond the Law: Retribution…
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