is for – Elephant, Eel, and Eagle. We’ll look at Eagle.
Eagles are known to vary in size, but when the word eagle is used it usually conjures up visions of the Fish Eagle, Bald Eagle, or Golden Eagle. These birds are without doubt the royalty of our feathered friends.
They are regal in pose and stature, and are the most powerful of all birds of prey.
Species: There are 59 species of Eagle which are broken into four recognisable groups.
1. Serpent or Snake Eagles are the smallest sub-species.
2. Buzzard / Woodland Eagles, have longer tails, but shorter wings.
3. Sea Eagles, which are among the largest and specialise in catching fish and turtles.
4. Booted Eagles like the Golden Eagle.
Size: From pigeon-sized Serpent / Snake Eagles up to the Golden Eagle which can weigh in at around 20lbs and have a wingspan up to 8ft.
Habitat: The range of nesting sites is dependent on the bird, so the smaller species will be found in rock crevices, woodland and high altitude forestry. The Sea-Eagles will nest on islands, high in trees or cliff-faces. The Golden Eagle nests high in mountain ranges.
Location: The eagle in its various forms inhabits the entire planet and every continent has its home-grown specialised eagle.
Diet: As might be expected the range of food is as widespread as the birds themselves. The larger the bird – the larger the prey. Serpent-Eagles are small and will take small snakes and rodents. Rabbits and similar small animals are a favourite with most eagles. The Golden Eagle and other eagles of a similar size will take lambs or deer. Like all birds and animals they will go for smaller prey in times of need.
Predators: Once again mankind can take the credit for causing harm to these wonderful birds. The theft of eggs is only a problem for the smaller species, but the greatest hazard overall is caused by destruction of habitat. The birds have few natural enemies.
Info / Strange Fact: Being eagle-eyed is not simply a phrase. The eagle has increased components within the structure of its eyes. To put this in perspective, the Golden Eagle can see a rabbit at 2 miles distance.
Filed under: A to Z Challenge 2016, Achievement, Competitions, General, Insight Tagged: A to Z, birds of prey, eagles